Fat Ironman

Friday, February 03, 2006

Something helpful...Best Hint #10

I was thinking today about the fact that so far this blog has had absolutely nothing to say that could possibly help anyone. Well, no more of that. Here I go on my way of helping the triathlon community by saying something worth while. Buckle up for my top ten list of tri-tips.

#10 - Easy at the aid stations!

I was putting in a great bike split at the 2004 US Half Triathlon Championships in Kansas City, when I tried to pick up a full gatorade at the mile 30 bike aid station. The problem was I tried to shave a couple seconds off the bike by zipping through the aid station at about 20 mph. Well, I didn't get a clean had off, fumbled the bottle, and ended laying some of my skin (quite a bit actually) on the pavement. ouch. Let me be the first to say that the time I spent picking gravel out of my wounds and the pain I endured running a half marathon with bleeding cuts was not worth the time I would have lost slowing down at the aid station.

It is just as important on the run to take time at the aid stations. Watch the 2004 coverage of Kona. Faris Al Sultan wisely stops at the aid station on the run exit to get nutrition, water and sunblock. He still went sub 8:20

Well that's all I have for tonight, I broke the 220 barrier this week and did my first 30 mile ride of the season. Hopefully in 6 months I'll just be ironman without the fat.

For now, Keep Tri-ing
-Fat Ironman


At 8:47 AM, Blogger Gwendolyn said...

Hey, I saw your comment on Sarah's blog. How exciting! It's good to see you're triathloning, and I hope everything else is going well too. You're married! Ahhh! Very cool.


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