Fat Ironman

Friday, February 24, 2006

If today was a marathon, I'd only have had 9.94 miles to go

First off, thanks to my lone faithful reader, Sarah, who pointed out there was no tip number 8. I don't really like the number 8, so it has been banished for the time being. It may return, it may not. I sometimes do things just to mess with my type A personality friends, and sometimes I have a vendetta against intergers. That's the nature of us type b personalities, there is no real need for order and organization...or it was a typografical eror, you decide.

Today was the biggest run since May of 2004 when I did the my first marathon. Last week my long run was cold, painful drudgery, but today I had a great time. The weather was a bit chilly when I left at 6:45, but it was approaching too hot for by the end. Today almost got up to 70 degrees and absolutely beautiful. For 16 miles I took it easy and ran/walked each mile somewhere between 10-11 minutes. Every runner has bad days and last week was a bad day for me. Today was awesome...and I am really feeling confident going into the marathon that is no 6 weeks away. Here I come!

Mileage this week so far - 27.95
Weight 218.2 -(Fat ironman is approaching being just chubbyironman)



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