Fat Ironman

Thursday, July 20, 2006

2 Months Later

Today I have decided that fat ironman is going to get going again. I know that I can never be one of those people that blogs everyday, but I can share with the world wide no one reading this what is happening.

Ironman training is marginal at best. I haven't had any passion or desire to get out and do big miles. Yesterday I went for a swim, and got 800m into it and just kinda got out of the pool and headed in. Ironman is for people, I feel, who have life under control, who have organizational skills to cram a lot of stuff into a little amount of time. Right now I am barely keeping my head above water with a job, a wife, a house, etc. I go for bike rides, I run, I swim, but I haven't "trained" in a while. Ironman might be for "49 year old Matt" who is trying desperately to feel young again.

Life has been busy, and awesome since my last entry. I have gone to Africa and seen God do amazing things in the country of Sudan. Melia and I went in late May and got to see the Sudan Church's Bible college, and meet with some awesome people over there. It was incredible. I wish somehow that could be my life, but there are so many things in the way. I put a picture of my African triathlon training :) That is me and Philip going for a bike ride.

Well, I don't want to do the blogging equivalent of sitting of sitting on the couch for 2 months and then going out for a 16 mile run, so I will sign off.

It has been real, It has been fun
-Fat "Can't Decide if I really want to be an" Ironman


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