Fat Ironman

Friday, March 31, 2006

Pressed but not crushed...

It has been 22 days since I updated this here fine blog, and for all my devoted reader, that must have been hard for you to deal with. I recently read there are 3 main reasons ministers leave the ministry. #1 is conflict with people in the church, leaders, ect. #2 is lack of friends, lack of support and lack of pay. #3 is building projects. I can totally understand why ministers take off after building projects. We aren't even building a new building, we just added a new parking lot, added classroom space and expanded our sanctuary...but it has been crazy. I don't think "day off" will be in my vocab until after Easter when this is all done.

I set the goal of doing my second ever marathon back in November when I was tipping the scale at 232. About 4 weeks ago I was doing really well, looking forward to cruising through 26 miles. But I kinda got derailed by life. Last week I was in California for a conference, only to race home and work on the building all day Saturday. Today I should go out for a run, but I just have stuff to do here.

On the bright side, I have the mileage built up to finish the marathon, and today I weigned in at 216.2 my lowest in almost a year. I know if I get myself to the starting line next Saturday I will be able to get to the finish line... Maybe I can still get there.

I'm skipping lunch and going for a run!

-Fat Ironman


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